Call For Constitution and Bylaw Changes
Submit your suggestions
The AESES Constitution and Bylaws govern the manner in which AESES must conduct itself. Procedures such as the selection of the bargaining team, election of the Executive and the method by which the AESES Board of Representatives is chosen, which are all spelled out in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Members have the opportunity to propose changes to the AESES Constitution and Bylaws. Suggestions for changes are reviewed by the Board of Representatives, whose job is to then present the proposed amendments for a vote at a future Annual General Meeting (AGM). Member proposals for Constitution and Bylaw changes are published in the AGM booklet in advance of the meeting.
Please take the time to read through our current Constitution and Bylaws, available for download:
If you would like to see any amendments made to the Constitution and Bylaws, please submit your suggestions to us via email at The deadline for submissions of proposed changes is November 10, 2024.