Activities Committee
The Activities Committee brings members of the Association together and attempts to instill a feeling of fellowship among fellow employees of the universities. The Committee arranges events that are of interest to AESES members, such as Members’ Day Celebrations and the Children’s Christmas Party and outings to various local sporting events. The Committee meets an average of 2-3 times per year.
Communication Committee
The Communication Committee informs and provides two-way communication between official bodies of the Association and the membership-at-large. The Committee is responsible for the production of the ‘insideAESES’ print newsletter and oversees AESES website content. The Committee meets an average of 5-6 times per year.
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee was formed in 2020. The committee’s role is to explore ways that AESES can examine existing policies and procedures and make recommendations for a more equitable and inclusive organization. The committee meets monthly and is currently researching to identify the challenges and address any ongoing member concerns.
Electoral & Districting Committee
The Electoral & Districting Committee is responsible for ensuring that membership applications are processed, overseeing elections to the Board of Representatives, and reviewing the composition of districts. The Committee meets an average of 1-2 times per year.
Education Committee
The Education Committee identifies education needs of the AESES membership and facilitates and provides educational activities to meet these needs, including the Spring and Fall Educational Seminars. The Committee meets an average of 2 times per year.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a resource body of the Association which reports to the Board and Executive on budgetary and investment procedures and requirements. The Committee meets an average of 1-2 times per year.