Message from the Past President
by Laurie Morris, AESES Past President (2014-2022)
Thank you for taking the time to visit AESES online. If at any time you feel that you need more information about us, please don’t hesitate to call or send us an email. We will be happy to respond.
The business of the union is important! Not only do we negotiate increases to your wages, but we actively pursue improvements to your working conditions. On the flip side, we’re there to dispute violations of your contract and represent you in workplace issues.
A new Board of Representatives and Executive Council is elected every two years on even years (as in, 2016, 2018, 2020, etc.). While many of these volunteers continue, we frequently have new people joining our ranks. We welcome these new Board members with open arms, as this gives us an opportunity to gain fresh ideas and viewpoints to best represent you, our members.
Although AESES is an independent union, we are affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU) which gives us a voice on national and international matters affecting all workers and allows us to broaden our perspective. The CCU has also shown its support to AESES by writing to the Manitoba Provincial Government denouncing the legislation of several anti-union and anti-worker bills.
AESES recently joined the Partnership to Defend Public Services, a group of 25 labour unions, in a joint effort to fight Premier Brian Pallister’s austerity measures being imposed on public service workers under The Public Services Sustainability Act. Feel free to visit the dedicated page on our website for further information on the important work of this group.
One of our ongoing goals is to improve communication between AESES and our members. We are doing this through short email blasts to our members, social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn), surveys, newsletters, contests and in-person meetings such as Brown Bag Lunches. We will make every effort to communicate with you on important or emerging issues.
AESES would not function without its volunteers. I strongly encourage you to learn more about AESES, its history and the services we provide for our members. A search through our website will provide you with much of this information. Remember, communication is best achieved when it goes both ways……
Get informed! Get involved!