President’s Message – February 2025
February is upon us, and with it, the hope of an early spring since Manitoba Merv did not happen to see their shadow – if you believe in that sort of thing. While the winter solstice is behind us and the days are getting longer, there are still cold days ahead.
And nights.
Indeed, the coldest night of the year will be here on February 22! I know, I know – I am no meteorologist, and even good ones cannot forecast this far in advance. I am referring, of course, to the Coldest Night of the Year Fundraising Walk, and Chris McCann’s Crew: Team AESES. The team will walk in support of the St. Boniface Street Links program. Chris was an ardent supporter of this event and had been pivotal in AESES’ involvement since 2023. We felt naming the team after him would be a fitting tribute. Our very own Colleen Thompson is Team Captain, please get in touch with her if you would like more information. If you are ready to join the walk, please visit the signup page. If you would rather donate from the comfort of your home, please visit this link. We truly appreciate your support for this worthy cause.
If walking in the cold is not your cup of tea, we have a variety of other activities coming up in the next few months that may interest you, including our popular bowling night and annual Members’ Day Lunches. Keep watching for more details on these and other entertaining and educational activities.
AESES hosted a surprise retirement party for outgoing Executive Director Lisa McKendry on December 16, and it was well attended by colleagues, friends, family and even professional adversaries from past and present. The diversity of the attendees stands as a testament to how beloved and respected Lisa was at AESES, the universities, and the entire labour community. Lisa will be missed around the business office.
Colleen Thompson is settling nicely into her new role as Executive Director, which means the business office is still down one staff member. We have posted for a new Member Services Officer, and interest has been encouraging, with many applications coming in. The posting closed on February 2, so I hope to have an update in the next edition.
AESES has also been working hard advocating for you and protecting your rights under our collective agreements. Our excellent Labour Relations Team remains busy and vigilant ensuring that your rights and entitlements are protected. Please don’t hesitate to contact them at if you feel like you are being unfairly treated or your rights under our collective agreement are being compromised. Any discussions with the AESES Business Office are confidential and handled discreetly.
The University of Winnipeg members of AESES will begin bargaining with the employer imminently, and while recent federal policy changes regarding International Student Enrollment have caused great concern for the fiscal outlook of the institution, our members deserve to be paid what they are worth. We are expecting a robust series of negotiations.
You will notice that these missives will be coming a wee bit more frequently but will also be markedly less lengthy. This is in hopes of doing our very best to keep you informed in a timely fashion. We hope you like the change!
In Solidarity,