Then and Now: International Women’s Day
March 8th, recognized as International Women’s Day, is a time to celebrate womanhood: the many contributions, the many accomplishments, and the many unacknowledged acts done in the name of moving towards a better and more equitable future, by women we know, and by those who have come before.
100 years ago, on May 5 1919, a group of 500 (mostly female) telephone operators were doing just that. They punched out of their shift in the morning hours and no replacements came to fill their spots, instead joining and playing an important role in the city-wide Winnipeg General Strike (see the MB Historical Society’s article on the topic). Equally true of today’s working women, they are continuing to make their voices heard, standing up for equality and better working conditions, and garnering respect.
AESES supports and celebrates the efforts of the many women who make up our membership and also those of all women. Together, we are unique, respected, and heard! Together, we celebrate International Women’s Day!