Association of Employees
Supporting Education Services

Your Vote Counts: Proposed Dues Increase

AESES is pursing a membership dues increase this year, the first such increase in 40 years.

We have created a document about the proposed dues increase, which we recommend that our membership take the time to carefully read through and familiarize themselves with. The document contains background information about our current rate, the rate we are seeking, comparisons with other unions, explanations for why the dues increase is being sought, and a question & answer section. The document can be accessed by all members via the secure Members’ Only area of the AESES website.

We will be hosting information meetings at each of our campuses over the next two weeks to provide members with an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications about the proposed dues increase. These meetings will also allow our team to further share our reasons for seeking the dues increase, and serve as a supportive place for discussion. The meetings are scheduled for:

University of Winnipeg
Date: Tuesday, March 27
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm & 1:00-2:00 pm
Room: 1L08 (Lockhart Hall)
University of Manitoba – Fort Garry campus
Date: Wednesday, March 28
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm & 1:00-2:00 pm
Room: 306 Tier

University of Manitoba – Bannatyne campus
Date: Tuesday, April 3
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm & 1:00-2:00 pm
Room: Theatre E, Pathology Bldg

Voting for or against the dues increase will then take place via a secret ballot over the course of our Annual General Meeting on April 10th, starting at 7:00pm and running until 8:00pm. Our AGM is set to take place at Temple Shalom (1077 Grant Ave). Signed members are encouraged to show up, place their vote and may leave if they prefer. However, if they also wish to stay for the duration of the AGM meeting, listening to the Executive and Committee Chair reports, they are welcome to do so, but they will need to RSVP their attendance for that portion of the evening by first sending an email to from their university email address.

If you are not yet a signed member, but are interested in voting on the proposed due increase issue and/or attending the AGM on April 10th, you’ll also need to fill out a membership form here and submit it to the AESES office in advance of the voting and AGM.

Did you know

AESES is affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU).

AESES' Charter Meeting was held in December of 1972.

We offer bursaries for AESES dependents at both universities.

Anyone can attend a Board meeting by calling the AESES Business Office prior to the meeting and confirming their attendance.

AESES requires new volunteers for various committees. Please contact the Business Office if you are an AESES member interested in joining one of our committees.