Association of Employees
Supporting Education Services

Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (February 2021)

Monday, February 1st, 2021

Happy February!

As you patiently wait for tomorrow when a furry rodent predicts when spring will start, spend a few minutes today reading the first insideAESES newsletter of 2021. Inside this issue:

  • A message from Laurie Morris, AESES President
  • AGM date and information
  • Upcoming member education seminars
  • Ongoing union and member grievances
  • Steps to submit your job for classification review
  • Learn about vacation carry over
  • Introduction of the AESES Diversity Committee
  • CCU/CSC bursary winners

View the February issue and previous ones here.

Have a great week, and stay safe!

AESES COVID-19 Survey for Members

Friday, December 18th, 2020

To: All AESES Members

Since the pandemic started, our working conditions and situations have drastically changed from nine months ago and continue to evolve.

AESES would like to gain some feedback and insights from our members about what you have experienced and how your current situation is related to workload, supervision, breaks, overtime, and overall wellness.

Please take 5-10 minutes and fill out the anonymous survey at the link found below. AESES will use your responses to understand better the situation our members have been facing since March. AESES may provide a general summary to the University, but no individual identifying information will be associated with this report. The survey will close to responses on January 15, 2021.

Survey is closed and link has been removed.

If you have any questions or concerns with the survey, please contact our general office at or 204-949-5200.

We value your input and thank you for your time.

Stay safe.

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (December 2020)

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

Happy December!

We’re almost through 2020, and what a year it has been!

Grab a woolly (or cotton or polyester blend) blanket, get comfy and spend a few minutes reading the last insideAESES newsletter of the year. Inside you’ll find:

  • A message from Laurie Morris, AESES President
  • 2021 proposed budget
  • How to handle workload concerns
  • New AESES appointments
  • AESES supporting local unions
  • Member resources and benefits
  • Ongoing union and member grievances

View the December issue and previous ones here.

One last thing, we know that things can be a little bit rough during the holidays, and the pandemic has added increased stress and unknowns into the mix. If you are a member (or know of a member) currently in financial hardship, please apply or encourage them to apply to COVID-19 Assistance Fund. The last deadline to apply before the break is December 11 at noon.

Have a safe and happy holiday season to you and yours, till next year.

COVID-19 Assistance Fund – December Deadline Dates

Friday, November 27th, 2020

To: All AESES Members

Earlier this year, the AESES Board of Representatives established a COVID-19 Assistance Fund to support AESES members who are experiencing significant financial hardship during this difficult time. Thus far, AESES has received 419 applications to the fund and awarded over $67,000 to help our members meet their basic grocery needs.

As the winter break is quickly approaching, please note the following deadlines will be the last chance to apply prior to the new year:

From now until Friday, December 4 at 12pm;


After 12pm on Friday, December 4 until Friday, December 11 at 12pm.

Applicants should also note that they may apply for only one of those dates listed. Following these deadlines, the next opportunity to apply again will be the week of January 8, 2021.

Additionally, in recognition that the Assistance Fund program will be unavailable during the weeks of December 18, 25, and January 1, applicants who apply before noon on December 11 will receive double the amount for which they would normally qualify.

Only those members who are truly in need of this assistance should apply. If you have suffered a negative financial impact to your household income due to COVID-19 such as a layoff, a spousal layoff, or even reduced hours, we welcome you to apply to AESES’ COVID-19 Assistance Fund.

Some things you should know:

  • All AESES members are eligible to apply
  • Applicants must be able to explain how they fit the eligibility criteria
  • Applications received by noon on each Friday will be processed the following week
  • Assistance will be provided in the form of a gift card which will be mailed to you
  • The monetary amount available is dependent on each applicant’s family size

The AESES COVID-19 Committee may take extenuating/exceptional circumstances into consideration.

The COVID-19 Assistance Fund application form can be found here.

Questions about the COVID-19 Assistance Fund can be directed via email to

November 20, 2020 Update: AESES-UM Bargaining Process

Friday, November 20th, 2020

Please visit our AESES-UM Bargaining page for up to date information.

Learn About Your Union’s Activities and Financials: AESES’ 2019 Annual Report

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

The past 6 months have certainly brought about many, many changes, which we’ve had to adapt to. In fact, back in March we were inconspicuously planning our Annual General Meeting for April, preparing to meet in-person as a membership, to review our financials and committee reports from 2019/the previous year. Since that time, the option of hosting our AGM continues to be contrary to current provincial recommendations for group gatherings. We will therefore not be holding an AGM meeting this year.

However, our annual report, which contains copies of all committee reports for 2019 as well as 2019’s audited financial statements, is being made available to our AESES members. The document (a PDF file) can be accessed by all members via the secure Members’ Only area of the AESES website. If you have not previously signed up to access the Members’ Only section, simply click on the ‘Request an Account’ link in the right-hand column of the webpage. You will then be asked to fill out your full name, work email address, and employee number as part of the registration process.

If anyone has questions related to the annual report or otherwise, please direct them to the AESES Business Office via

Application Process Open: New AESES Bursaries for Dependent Children

Monday, September 14th, 2020

The AESES Bursary
For signed AESES members, with dependent children studying at either UW or UM, your studious progeny may be eligible to apply for one our new $1000 bursaries. You may note that this is a change from our previously offered scholarships as disbursement will now be based on financial need rather than academic standing. This applies to dependents who are under 25 years of age prior to enrollment in the current academic year.

Details for UW Students
Three bursaries are available at UW, each valued at $1000. They will be offered to students enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies, who have the highest demonstrated financial need. To qualify: 1) new-to-UW students need to have achieved the required minimum entrance requirements based on those courses used for admission to the University; 2) or, continuing students need to have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Details for UM Students
Seven bursaries are available at UM (pending approval at UM Senate on October 7), valued at $1000 each. They will be offered to students enrolled in full-time undergraduate studies (minimum 60% course load) in any year of study, who have the highest demonstrated financial need. To qualify: 1) new-to-UM students need to have achieved the required minimum entrance requirements based on those courses used for admission to the University; 2) or, continuing students need to have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.0; 3) or, as students in the Undergraduate Medical Education Program, need to be in good standing.

One bursary at UM will be awarded to one undergraduate student from each of the following groupings (which have also been updated since prior years):

Group 1 – University 1
Group 2 – Faculty of Arts
Group 3 – Faculty of Science;
Group 4 – Faculty of Education, Price Faculty of Engineering, or Desautels Faculty of Music;
Group 5 – Asper School of Business, Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, or Faculty of Law;
Group 6 – Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, School of Art, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, or Faculty of Social Work;
Group 7 – Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

How to Apply
For UW applicants, applications can be filled out and submitted directly through UW’s Office of Awards and Financial Aid.

For UM applicants, the application isn’t up yet, but will soon be posted to the website for UM’s Financial Aid and Awards Office, so check back daily.
Update: September 24, 2020 – the AESES Bursary still does not include our bursary in the awards database search (above link). However, the following website does list the bursary offering:

Application Deadline
These AESES bursaries will be awarded annually. The application deadline is October 1st.

Closing Remarks
If these requirements are met by your dependent/student and financial need is a consideration in their university attendance, the AESES Bursaries may prove beneficial. Remember to have your child apply prior to the October 1st deadline.

Apply for CCU’s Bursaries for Dependent Children of Union Members

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

The Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU/CSC) provides annual bursaries of $1000 for dependent children of members of unions belonging to the CCU/CSC for the purpose of furthering their post-secondary education. There will be a lottery for these bursaries at the CCU/CSC  Executive Board meeting in mid-October. The bursary applications (French and English versions) are available online. Eligible applicants for the CCU/CSC bursaries are those who are ‘attending a post secondary school’ and MUST be ‘dependent children’ of members of Unions belonging to ‘affiliates’ of the CCU/CSC. The successful applicants will be contacted by email after the Executive Board meeting on October 18, 2020.  Upon receipt of ‘proof of enrollment’ and a 500-1000 word essay on ‘What Unionism means to you’ the winners will be sent the award. See further details on the application form. Note that you are NOT required to submit an essay or proof of enrollment at this time. The deadline for submitting the bursary application is Thursday, October 1. Completed and signed bursary forms should be sent to : Matt Trump AESES 103-900 Harrow St. E. Winnipeg, MB R3M 3Y7

Message #14 to Our Members Re. COVID-19

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

In our last message to the membership, we commented on safe returns to work and advised that we had written to the Universities to ask about their process for managing the re-opening of departments.  As Laurie Morris reported in her President’s message in the August issue of InsideAESES, we have received responses from both the UM and UW.  We’re pleased to advise that the Universities are handling safe returns with apparent caution and both institutions are working directly with government health officials to ensure they are adhering to the recommendations of the health professionals.

As some areas of university operations are beginning to re-open, AESES has been receiving more and more questions from our members about their rights to a safe return.  We thought we would cover several of the common questions that are being asked so all members are informed of expectations for the employers and employees.

My department has told me I will be coming back to work shortly.  I’m anxious about returning when Winnipeg is still seeing new cases of COVID-19 daily.  Can I ask to continue working from home?

Any department looking to resume operations at the worksite must go through an application process which includes identifying why it’s necessary to return to the worksite.  If a return is authorized, it must be accompanied by an evaluation of the worksite to determine what safety procedures need to be implemented (i.e., hand sanitizer stations, COVID-19 barriers, facial masks, etc.).  You have every right to ask what steps have been taken to ensure your safety; however, the University does get to decide which areas will open provided appropriate safety measures are being taken.  If you’re still anxious about a return, you may ask your supervisor if you can continue to work from home, but if the unit requires you to perform your duties at the worksite, you will need to comply.  The exception to this would be if you have health issues that place you in a vulnerable group for complications if you contract COVID-19 or if you have a mental health illness that prevents you from returning to the worksite.  In either of these cases you would need to provide a medical certificate to the University verifying that you are medically unable to return to work.

My department has told me I will be coming back to work shortly.  Although I’m comfortable with the safety arrangements they are putting in place at the worksite, I travel to work by bus and I’m worried about possible exposure if I’m in a confined space with others for a prolonged period of time.  What are my options?

While we certainly understand the apprehension members may have if travelling by bus, the City of Winnipeg should be complying with recommendations being made by public health officials to ensure a safe travel environment.  Regardless, the University isn’t responsible for accommodating an employee’s method of travel to work.  This is a personal choice and there are other options that you may need to explore for transportation.  Similar to our answer above, you may ask your supervisor if you can continue to work from home if you’re anxious about travelling by bus; however, they do not have to accommodate your request.  If you have a health reason for not being able to return to the worksite, it would need to be verified by a medical certificate.

I feel that I would be more productive if I was allowed to return to the worksite; however, my department has said that we will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future.  Can I ask to return to the worksite anyway?

Both Universities are being very careful in the re-opening of the campuses and many departments/units may be denied their request to return to the worksite if it isn’t deemed a necessity.  Although you may certainly ask your supervisor if you can return to work, be prepared that your request may be denied.  There are specific occupancy restrictions that could prevent staff from returning and, as such, the employees are being prioritized by need.  We have had some members indicate that they are experiencing negative mental health consequences from staying at home (particularly if they live alone).  In this case, a member would need to consult with their healthcare provider to determine if a return to work is required to support their mental health.  If your doctor determines that you need to return to the worksite, this would have to be outlined in a medical certificate as a form of accommodation.

My department is re-opening but I’m having trouble finding daycare for my child.  What are my options?

This is one of the direct questions that we asked of the UM and UW.  The response we received from the UM is as follows:

“… as the province continues to open up daycares and returning children to school in the fall, it is hoped that employees will once again be able to access their normal childcare supports. In the event that employees are unable to do so, the university is encouraging units to work with staff in terms of flexing hours of work and continued access to remote work arrangements to help support them as they the [sic] return of their normal childcare supports.”

We hope that the UW will follow the same process.

In any of these situations where you cannot return to the worksite, or need to return, please be sure to reach out to us so we may help facilitate the accommodation and ensure that your rights are being observed.  You can contact our labour relations team by phone at (204)949-5200 or email at

Updates: AESES COVID-19 Assistance Fund

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Earlier this month, the AESES Board of Representatives made the COVID-19 Assistance Fund available to support AESES members who are experiencing significant financial hardship due to the pandemic.

We have received nearly 100 applications to the fund thus far and, as a result, the COVID-19 Assistance Fund Committee has decided to make some adjustments to ensure we can help as many members as possible for as long as possible. These changes include:

  • An exclusive partnership with Safeway/Sobeys through their bulk gift card program which has provided us with savings that have been rolled back into the fund, thereby allowing more money to be available for our members.
  • With the availability of government benefits and plans such as CERB and CESB, we have reduced the amounts available for successful applicants in an effort to ensure we can continue to help as many members as possible.

The Safeway/Sobeys partnership is already in effect and the reduced amounts will take effect for all applications received after this week’s application deadline of noon on Friday, May 29th. Again, these important changes will allow us to support more members and ensure the longevity of the fund as the province looks to reopen over the summer months.

Only those members who are truly in need of this assistance and who meet the selection criteria should apply.

Some things you should know:

  • All AESES members meeting the eligibility criteria are eligible to apply, regardless of whether they are signed members or not
  • Applications received by noon on each Friday will be processed the following week
  • Assistance will be provided in the form of a gift card which will be mailed to you
  • The monetary amount available will be based on the applicant’s family status and qualified dependants
  • Applicants cannot receive benefit funds more than once in a two-week period

If you continue to be in need of assistance, you will need to submit a new application for each two-week period

The Assistance Fund Committee may take extenuating/exceptional circumstances into consideration.

The COVID-19 Assistance Fund application form can be found here.

Questions about the COVID-19 Assistance Fund can be directed via email to

Did you know

AESES is affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU).

AESES' Charter Meeting was held in December of 1972.

We offer bursaries for AESES dependents at both universities.

Anyone can attend a Board meeting by calling the AESES Business Office prior to the meeting and confirming their attendance.

AESES requires new volunteers for various committees. Please contact the Business Office if you are an AESES member interested in joining one of our committees.