Association of Employees
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Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category

Scholarship$: AESES Scholarship for Dependents

Thursday, April 11th, 2019

For AESES members with children studying at either UM or UW, consider applying for one of the nine $1000 AESES Scholarships for Dependents that we offer.

Two scholarships are available at UW, valued at $1000 each. The scholarships will be awarded to the two full-time undergrad students with the highest standing (i.e. 18 credit hours or more over the fall and winter terms). The student must also register in full-time studies for the subsequent year of undergraduate study.

Seven scholarships are available at UM, valued at $1000 each. Scholarships will be awarded to the full-time undergrad student with the highest standing in each group listed below. The student must also register in full-time studies for the subsequent year of undergraduate study:

Group 1    University 1
Group 2    Arts
Group 3    Science
Group 4    Architecture; Engineering; Environment, Earth and Resources; Fine Art
Group 5    Law; Management; Medicine
Group 6    Education; Kinesiology and Recreation Management; Music; Social Work
Group 7    Agriculture and Food Sciences; Dental Hygiene; Dentistry;  Human Ecology;  Medical Rehabilitation; Nursing; Pharmacy

The scholarship form can be completed and submitted online, or a PDF can also be downloaded (UM, UW) from our website and submitted via email, fax or interdepartmental mail. Completed application forms will be accepted by the AESES office for consideration between April 1 and June 30, 2019.

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (April 2019)

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

April’s issue of ‘insideAESES’ is printed and ready for your reading pleasure. This edition of ‘insideAESES’ features valuable articles related to:

  • From the President’s Desk
  • Can You Tell Me? UW Edition – What Happens in the Case of a Workplace Injury?
  • AESES Scholarships for Dependents
  • Lunch is On Us
  • AESES Appointments
  • Contract Admin
  • Contract Negotiation Updates
  • New Faces and Hires
  • Reflecting on CCU’s Executive Board Meeting
  • UW Employee Spotlight – Romer Bautista
  • AESES AGM Invite

Click on the following link to become informed about everything AESES related – April 2019 insideAESES newsletter

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Members’ Day Lunch: Perogies and You

Monday, March 25th, 2019

​​We’re gearing up to host our annual Members’ Day Lunch celebration and that’s an exciting prospect!

We want to celebrate International Worker’s Day (i.e. May Day) by acknowledging the strength and value of our membership. Hence, the hot meal and the lunch hour of mingling, prize giveaways, handing out of long-service awards, and speeches. And, because the city and its union’s are also in the mood to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, our lunches will feature a strike-related trivia quiz. Basically, in preparation, brush up on your strike knowledge and bring your appetites. Especially knowing that this year it’ll be a Ukrainian buffet on menu – perogies, stuffed cabbage rolls, kolbasa sausage, and garlic bread.

Join us on either ​May 1st (UM Fort Garry), May 7th (UW​innipeg), or May 14th (UM Bannatyne), by choosing to attend the 12:00 noon or 1:00 pm sitting at your campus.

​​Pre-registration is absolutely required to attend. So, take a minute to fill out and submit the registration form online, to let us know when and where you will be eating. Or, complete the fillable PDF form and submit it to the AESES office via email (, fax (204-949-5215) or interdepartmental mail. The deadline to register is April 20, 2019.

​Please Note:

  1. As a reminder, union events are reserved for signed AESES members. If you aren’t yet signed, but would still like to participate, please fill out a membership application form here, before submitting it to our office alongside your lunch registration form.
  2. As a way of giving back to our larger community, we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items and monetary funds at each of the lunches, to be passed along to campus food banks. Donors will be entered in a draw to win prizes and gift baskets. That’s an incentive. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
  3.  ​​Also, if you would like to volunteer an hour of your time at the lunches, by assisting with the registration process, food service, or clean-up, please let the AESES Office know of your availability (204-949-5200 or We greatly appreciate the help of each volunteer who helps make these lunches a success. 

Learn About Your Union: AESES AGM

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Annual General Meeting
We are inviting all of our signed union members to attend this year’s AESES Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm and will be held at Temple Shalom (1077 Grant Ave). Join us!

Executive members and committee chairs will be on hand at the AGM to review financials, speak about the activities of the union, and provide attendees with a question and answer period. We want our members to learn about the value of their union, how our programs can benefit them, how dues are spent, and introduce them to the volunteers who help to make AESES run so smoothly.

Please note that only signed AESES members are permitted to attend the AGM portion of the evening and vote on issues that arise. If you are not yet a signed member, but are interested in attending, simply fill out a membership form and submit it to the AESES office in advance of the meeting.

Annual Report
To review our AGM Annual Report prior to the meeting, it can be accessed by all members via the secure Members’ Only area of the AESES website. If you have not yet signed up to access the Members’ Only section, click on the ‘Request an Account’ link in the right-hand column of our homepage. You will then be asked to fill out your full name, work email address and employee number as part of the registration process.

Lecture Series: Wpg General Strike

Friday, March 15th, 2019

The Millennium Library is hosting a free 5-part lecture series that delves into the history and lasting impacts of the Winnipeg General Strike, timely as we are celebrating the strike’s centenary this year. Over five consecutive Wednesdays (March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17), this series will cover different aspects of the strike, including key figures, protest songs, and lasting impacts.

First up, on March 20th, The University of Winnipeg’s Nolan Reilly, will be introducing the new guide to the confrontation: 1919: Winnipeg General Strike Driving and Walking Tour: 100th Anniversary Edition. He’ll cover the key events and players of the most prominent general strike in Canada’s history.

Those interested in attending, are encouraged to drop in at the library over their lunch hour (12:00-1:00pm). Presentations will take place in the library’s Carol Shields Auditorium, at 251 Donald Street. No need to sign up in advance, simply show up.

Then and Now: International Women’s Day

Friday, March 8th, 2019

March 8th, recognized as International Women’s Day, is a time to celebrate womanhood: the many contributions, the many accomplishments, and the many unacknowledged acts done in the name of moving towards a better and more equitable future, by women we know, and by those who have come before. 

100 years ago, on May 5 1919, a group of 500 (mostly female) telephone operators were doing just that. They punched out of their shift in the morning hours and no replacements came to fill their spots, instead joining and playing an important role in the city-wide Winnipeg General Strike (see the MB Historical Society’s article on the topic). Equally true of today’s working women, they are continuing to make their voices heard, standing up for equality and better working conditions, and garnering respect.

AESES supports and celebrates the efforts of the many women who make up our membership and also those of all women. Together, we are unique, respected, and heard! Together, we celebrate International Women’s Day! 

Now Reading: CCU Connections Newsletter

Thursday, February 28th, 2019

The Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU), of which AESES is a member, has recently distributed the February issue of its ‘CCU Connections’ newsletter.

This issue features CCU President Kelly Johnson’s thoughts on the closing of the GM plant in Oshawa; information from the last Executive Board meeting, including details on the FISH-NL fight for independence from Fish, Food and Allied Workers; a report from the CCU VP, Michael Belanger; updates from affiliated unions; an interview with CCU Secretary, Josh Mullins; and other union-related information.

Archived issues are posted and can be viewed on our dedicated AESES-CCU webpage (click here to access).

Help? Calling All Parade Enthusiasts

Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

AESES will be entering a float in the parade to celebrate the centennial of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. The parade, which is being hosted by the United Food and Commercial Workers union, will be held on May 25, 2019 and will run from the Exchange District to Memorial Park. Once at Memorial Park, there will be a family area sponsored by the Manitoba Teachers’ Society and a food court sponsored by the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals. To finish the day, a concert will be held sponsored by the Canadian Union of Public Employees. A full day event!

What are we looking for exactly? Well, we have enthusiasm. What we do not have is knowledge and experience. If you know how to build a float, starting with getting a truck and trailer and going from there, we would love to have you on board. Or if you have great design ideas with some serious crafting/decorating skills, we’d love to learn from your experience.

Members interested in joining our float team are asked to email the AESES Office at

Registration Deadline: AESES Education Seminars

Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

This is the final week to register for one of the exciting education seminars we have lined up for the spring months, prior to the February 22nd deadline. Some are already full to capacity, but for those that still have spots available, don’t miss out on the opportunity to participate in the following classes:

  • Build Your Own Salad Bowl – Thursday, March 14. 6:30-9:00pm. $5 for members. 7 spots remaining. (Learn to make tasty all-in-one salad bowls with veggies, whole grains, pulses, and homemade dressings, for delicious, affordable, healthy meals.)
  • Presentation: A History of Winnipeg’s Ukrainian Labour Temple – Tuesday, April 16. 6:30-8:30pm. Free for members. 20 spots remaining. (Discover and learn more about The Ukrainian Labour Temple. A beautiful building with a vibrant history. Built in 1919, it was a community and cultural meeting place as well as a symbol of social optimism and opportunity.)
  • Spin Into Spring: Cycle Express Class – Wednesday, April 24. 7:00-8:00pm. Free for members. 8 spots remaining. (Kick your regular workout routine into high gear while riding to the beat of energy infused music. You will learn the proper cycle set-up, basic cycling techniques and then enjoy a ride that will include a variety of class styles from intervals to the real-road.)
  • A Lesson in Still Life Drawing – Saturday, May 4. 2:00-4:30pm. $5 for members. 6 spots remaining. (We all started out as artists when we were children. Finding a still life composition to draw is just the beginning. Join in and wake your inner artist drawing skills.)

If interested, complete the online registration form by indicating your preferences, submit it along with payment to the AESES Office via interdepartmental mail, and then prepare to be impressed by your own new-found skills. Happy learning!

Support Rally: For Open UM Presidential Search

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

UMFA is organizing a rally to support Senate’s recommendation to open the presidential search to the university community by gathering in the atrium outside Senate chambers (E3-262 Engineering Building) at 1:00pm on Wednesday, February 6th in advance of the 1:30pm Senate meeting.

All AESES members are welcome to join AESES President, Laurie Morris, at the rally in a show of unity. However, they will need to obtain supervisory approval to adjust their lunch hour if needed, or otherwise use vacation and/or banked time.

The University of Manitoba recently announced that the process has begun for the search for a new UM President as David Barnard’s term nears its end in 2020.  What many AESES members may not be aware of is that for this particular presidential search, the Board of Governors has decided that it will be a closed process.  

Concern was raised by UMFA and UMSU Senate representatives, and a motion was passed by Senate to recommend to the Board of Governors that they open the presidential search to the university community.  Regardless of this important motion from Senate, the Board of Governors has refused to open the search.

The effect of this is to deny the university community the opportunity to be made aware of the short-listed candidates, hear them deliver a public presentation outlining their vision for the UM, and the opportunity for those interested to provide an assessment of the candidates to the search committee.

Transparency and collegial consideration is vitally important in the search for a new leader for the university.  This individual will play a large role in setting the future direction for the university and in creating and maintaining an atmosphere of respect and inclusion.  For President Barnard and the Board of Governors to dismiss the value that this openness provides is short-sighted.

Did you know

AESES is affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU).

AESES' Charter Meeting was held in December of 1972.

We offer bursaries for AESES dependents at both universities.

Anyone can attend a Board meeting by calling the AESES Business Office prior to the meeting and confirming their attendance.

AESES requires new volunteers for various committees. Please contact the Business Office if you are an AESES member interested in joining one of our committees.