Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category
Calling All Creatives: Design Contest
Wednesday, December 6th, 2017
The AESES Communication Committee is seeking creative input from our union members. We’re looking to update our insideAESES newsletter’s masthead and we need help doing so.
What is a masthead, you might ask? It’s that portion at the top of the front page of our newsletter, which includes our contact info, volume info, insideAESES title, logo and accompanying image. See page 1 of our latest issue to get a sense of what it currently looks like.
We’re asking our members to submit their design samples to us by December 21, 2017, as part of a contest. The committee will then review all submissions and select the preferred choice for use in our future issues. The selection will earn the designer a $250 gift certificate to Best Buy.
The parameters for the masthead are as follows:
- must include AESES logo, either full colour or white/knockout
- must include insideAESES title, as well as ‘proud member of the Confederation of Canadian Unions’ text
- must include date, volume and issue number
- should establish our identity as a union and not be focused exclusively on one group over another (UM, UW, St. Andrew’s College)
- the dimensions for the width should be exactly 8.5” (612px). And the height should be a maximum of 4.0” (288px), but may be less.
- the file must have editable text and be of the .indd .psd .tif .ai or .eps variety
- any images used should have either the owner’s permission or be public domain
- when submitting your design, please let us know which font families were used
Please contact us with any questions about the contest, design parameters, or for access to AESES’ logo files. Submissions can be sent to
The Ink is Still Drying: insideAESES Newsletter (December 2017)
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
December’s issue of ‘insideAESES’ is printed and ready for your reading pleasure. This edition of ‘insideAESES’ features valuable articles related to:
- insideAESES Newsletter Masthead Contest
- Employee Spotlight – UW: Leanne Shumka
- In Memoriam: Allen Yost
- Contract Admin
- Bingo Bowling Notice
- AESES Appointments
- Can You Tell Me? – Are there Mental Health Supports Available to Members?
- 2018 Proposed Budget
- From the President’s Desk
Click on the following link to become informed about everything AESES related – December 2017 insideAESES newsletter
Attention UM Members: Vacation and Banked Time Use/Carryover
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
As the end of 2017 is approaching and members of our union may be hearing from their departments in the near future about the use and potential carryover of banked time and vacation, we wanted to ensure our membership know their rights according to their collective agreement.
At the University of Manitoba, article 15.3 of the collective agreement speaks to vacation time:
- Subject to written approval of the department, up to ten working days of vacation may be taken in advance, provided it has been earned.
- Up to ten working days of vacation may be carried over from the normal vacation year to the next vacation year. No approval is required.
- Subject to the above, vacation entitlement which has not been used or scheduled for use by December 1st in the current vacation year will be scheduled by the Employer to ensure that all vacation entitlement is used by the end of the vacation year (March 31). The employer will provide at least fifteen calendar days notice of the start of an employee’s scheduled vacation. Prior to scheduling such vacation, the Employer shall give seven calendar days’ notice to the employee to allow the employee to make a final request for his/her holidays of preference.
In other words, an employee may carry over up to 10 unused vacation days from the 2017-18 fiscal year to the 2018-19 fiscal year. However, the employee must let the department know that they wish to carry over vacation days. For any unused vacation days that will not be carried over, the employee must schedule the use of those vacation days and let their department know of their plans to use it up. Otherwise, the department can schedule the use of the vacation days on the employee’s behalf, with appropriate notice.
At the University of Manitoba, articles 12.7 and 12.7.1 of the collective agreement speak to the banking of authorized overtime:
- The time off will be taken at a time requested by the employee unless in the opinion of management the time requested would be disruptive to the operation of the department. All accumulated hours worked over 40 will be paid as overtime unless the Dean/Director agrees in writing to allow the employee to accumulate more than 40 hours.
- Any accumulated hours not received as time off by the fiscal year end shall be paid, or the Department Head and employee may mutually agree to have unused accumulated overtime taken off in the following fiscal year.
In other words, it is up to an employee to decide when they want to use their banked time during the year. If they do not use up their banked hours by March 31, they will be paid out for them unless the employee, with permission of their department head, chooses to carry over their amount of banked hours into the 2018-19 fiscal year. It is important to note that the decision to use banked time is at the request of the employee. Your department cannot require you to use banked time (to reduce your bank) before using vacation time, or vice versa.
If you find yourself in a situation where the above policies are not being adhered to, please do not hesitate to contact the AESES office for assistance. We can be reached via email at or by phone at 204-949-5200.
Attention UW Members: Vacation and Banked Time Use/Carryover
Thursday, November 30th, 2017
- Normally each employee will earn vacation entitlement in one vacation year and take all of that vacation entitlement in the next following vacation year. However, subject to the written approval of the appropriate Manager, up to ten working days of vacation may be taken in advance provided it has been earned, plus up to five working days of vacation may be carried over from the normal vacation year for a combined advance and carryover total of up to fifteen working days of vacation.
- By no later than December 31 of each vacation year, the Employer shall ensure that vacations have been arranged such that all vacation leave will have been taken except for approved carryover.
- Provided the needs of the department can be met, the time off will be taken at a time requested by the employee. At any point during the fiscal year all accumulated hours in excess of 112 hours shall be paid.
- Any accumulated hours not received as time off by the fiscal year end shall be paid, or the employer and the employee may mutually agree to have unused accumulated overtime taken off in the following fiscal year.
If you find yourself in a situation where the above policies are not being adhered to, please do not hesitate to contact the AESES office for assistance. We can be reached via email at or by phone at 204-949-5200.
Lucky for Them: Announcing the Seek & Find Scavenger Hunt Winners
Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
Drum roll please…
Announcing the winners of the 2017 edition of the AESES Online Seek & Find Scavenger Hunt:
iPad mini – Dale Bourns, UM Fort Garry
Beats wireless headphones – Stella Leung, UM Bannatyne
Beats wireless headphones – Luis Hernandez, UWinnipeg
Bose wireless mini speaker – Pat Goss, UM Fort Garry
Bose wireless mini speaker – Cheryl Millan Violon, UM Bannatyne
Congratulations to these five individuals who were among those who were able to correctly answer all 14 questions related to the collective agreements of St. Andrew’s College, University of Manitoba and The University of Winnipeg.
We’ll be back in 2019 with our next installment of an online scavenger hunt. Until then, continue to read through your contract; fascinating stuff. And if any of the articles or content requires clarification, don’t hesitate to contact the AESES office.
Sleuthing Time: Online Website Seek & Find Scavenger Hunt
Friday, September 29th, 2017
Ready for a challenge?
Do you like solving riddles? Entering contests? Winning prizes?
And, ultimately learning about your union and your membership rights?
Well, do we have news for you. Starting on October 1, 2017, AESES is running an online scavenger hunt. We have 14 questions for our members to answer correctly, all of whose answers can be found by perusing the collective agreements that we have available to view on our website. AESES members have one month to seek and find the correct answers to our online scavenger hunt questions, before submitting their results using our online form.
Once the contest closes at 11:59pm on October 31, 2017, five contest winners will be randomly drawn from among those entrants who answer and submit all questions correctly. Prizes this time around include an ipad mini, bluetooth speakers, and wireless headphones.
A complete list of contest rules and the questions and the submission form can be found here.
Good luck! And happy sleuthing!
Start Thinking About Santa: Children’s Christmas Party
Thursday, September 28th, 2017
Yes, it’s nearing that time of year again, the one involving good cheer, time off, family gatherings, great food and lots of catchy jingles! Really. And so, the AESES Office has started accepting registrations for the annual AESES Children’s Christmas Party.
Scheduled for Sunday, December 3rd, between 1:00 and 4:00pm, this year’s event is looking to be great fun. Craft tables, games, entertainment and food (for dependent children aged 10 and younger), as well as an appearance from Santa and his elves will ensure everyone in attendance has a memorable time. We will be gathering at the University of Manitoba’s Fort Garry Campus, in rooms 210-214 of University Centre.
View the Event Poster for more information on the party and to register your kids today.
Fill out and submit your completed registration form to the AESES Office prior to the October 31, 2017 registration deadline via:
Mail to: UM – Mail Room, Stores Building / UW – Mail Room
Fax to: (204) 949-5215
Please Note: To better facilitate the registration process, members who register for the event will receive a confirmation email indicating their family has been registered, and a confirmation number, which they’ll need to bring along to the party, for admittance.
Please Also Note: This celebration is intended for dependent children, as AESES covers the cost of the event. Food will be available for purchase for children over the age of 10 and adults, although the primary focus of the celebration is for those aged 10 and younger. Thank you for your attention to this.
The Ink is Still Drying: insideAESES Newsletter (October 2017)
Thursday, September 28th, 2017
October’s issue of ‘insideAESES’ is printed and ready for your reading pleasure. This edition of ‘insideAESES’ features valuable articles related to:
- Seek and Find Scavenger Hunt
- Employee Spotlight – UM: Kennis Fung
- AESES Scholarship Winners
- Constitution and Bylaw Amendments
- Contract Admin
- Children’s Christmas Party
- Seeking Volunteers
- AESES Appointments
- From the President’s Desk
- Registration Form – Children’s Christmas Party
Click on the following link to become informed about everything AESES related – October 2017 insideAESES newsletter
Apply Apply: Union Bursaries
Friday, September 15th, 2017
The Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU) provides annual bursaries of $500 for dependent children of members of unions belonging to the CCU for the purpose of furthering their post-secondary education. There will be a lottery for these bursaries at our Winnipeg meeting this Fall. The dependent bursary application form is attached.
Applicants eligible for the $500 bursaries are those who are ‘attending a post-secondary school’ and MUST be ‘dependent children’ of members of Unions belonging to ‘affiliates’ of the CCU.
Further details are outlined here. The deadline for submitting applications for the bursaries is Sunday, October 15, 2017.
The successful applicants will be contacted by email after the Executive Board meeting of October 24, 2017 and upon receipt of ‘proof of enrollment’ and a 500-1000 word essay on ‘What Unionism means to you’ will be sent the award. Note that applicants are NOT required to submit an essay at this time.
The fully completed and signed bursaries forms should be sent to the following individual:
Michael Belanger
4700 Keele Street
190 Albany Rd. 2nd Floor.
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
Fax: 416-736-5519
Learn, Practice, Thrive: AESES Education Seminars
Thursday, August 31st, 2017
Your AESES Education Committee has planned five new seminars for the fall season, which we hope will appeal to your brain cells:
Sunday, October 1 – Trolley City Tour
Hop aboard a historic looking trolley, as it drives past many of Winnipeg’s sites, from St. Boniface to Assiniboine Park. A running commentary will allow you to appreciate the city you live in once again, taking in the very best sights and learning the stories behind many of the buildings and neighbourhoods you drive by on a weekly basis. According to, the tour is “humorous, engaging, and…will help you discover what makes the city at the heart of the country so special!” Limited seating, capped at 32. The tour will depart from in front of The Forks Market (1 Forks Market Road) at The Forks.
Tuesday, October 3 / Thursday, October 5 / Thursday, October 12 – Sick Leave & Attendance Management: Understanding Your Rights
AESES’ very own Labour Relations Officer, Lorne, and our Executive Director, Lisa, will be speaking on this important topic, clarifying the policies and answering related questions. It’s a great opportunity to learn about your rights and how the Universities are currently applying their Sick Leave policies. Informed members make for a stronger union. We have set aside one day at each campus for us to meet.
Wednesday, October 25 – Jewelry Making
The folks at PoCo Inspired will help a group of us craft and string our own bracelets. A valuable skill if you’re intrigued by all things shiny and bead-y and gem-y. Plus you walk away with a piece you can either re-gift or proudly wear yourself.
Just in time for the holiday season, this workshop will focus on how to keep a keen edge on your kitchen knives. John Sharples (really!) will lead you through the steps required to sharpen and maintain these tools with a hands-on approach, so feel free to bring along a couple of dull items from your kitchen to work on. All other tools and materials will be supplied.
- at UM to – AESES c/o Mail Room, Stores Building
- at UW to – AESES c/o Mail Room