Posts Tagged ‘president’
Letter of Support for UMFA – November 2, 2021
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
November 2, 2021
President Orvie Dingwall
University of Manitoba Faculty Association
100-29 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2M7
Dear Orvie,
AESES is disturbed that the Manitoba Conservative government continues to interfere in free and fair collective bargaining at the University of Manitoba through the PSSA and continued wage restraint mandates. We agree that this continued intrusion has created a great amount of damage to the university community through demoralization of all staff and interruptions to students’ learning. It is time for the university administration to stand up to the Manitoba government to defend its community.
AESES stands in solidarity with UMFA in their fight to be able to freely bargain a fair contract with the University of Manitoba.
In solidarity,
Laurie R. Morris