Association of Employees
Supporting Education Services

Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category

Message of Support for Ukraine

Friday, February 25th, 2022

a heart in the colours of UkraineAs Manitobans, we watch from across the globe as the situation unfolds in Ukraine. Our thoughts are with members of the Ukrainian community locally and abroad, and we stand with them in support.

AESES has always stood for democracy and fair treatment of workers and their families. The unprovoked nature of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is entirely brutal and unjustified, and millions of workers and their families will have their lives forever changed.

Unions are historically anti-war, and war is never the answer. Lives are lost, and loved ones will never come back home. AESES condemns the acts of violence that Russia is perpetrating against the people of Ukraine.

AESES sympathizes with our members who have family in Ukraine and are anxious about their wellbeing. If you need support, please reach out to a professional or contact the AESES Business Office to learn about the options you might have with your employer.

In solidarity and peace,

Laurie R. Morris


AESES’ Open House on Campus

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Join AESES for chats, treats, prizes and a special gift for you!

We are bringing our open house to you! Help continue our anniversary celebrations, and join us for a meet and greet on campus!

Do you have any union-related questions you would like answered? Bring your questions and chat with the AESES Labour Relations Team. While you are there, meet with a few local Board Representatives that will be on hand and put faces to their names.

Gather up a few co-workers and drop by to enjoy a few tasty snacks, and enter to win some great prizes, like $50 gift cards to help combat rising grocery prices! Members will also receive a limited-edition gift to commemorate our 50 years. This event is the perfect chance to connect with other AESES members on campus and the AESES Business Office!

Thank you to the over 250 members that we met during the six open houses!


These are the dates and locations AESES will be on campus:

University of Manitoba – Bannatyne Campus

  • March 8, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, A106, Chown Building
  • March 9, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, A106, Chown Building

The University of Winnipeg

  • March 14, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, 3C12 (Centennial Hall)
  • March 23, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, 3C12 (Centennial Hall)

University of Manitoba – Fort Garry Campus

  • March 28, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, 543-544 UMSU University Centre
  • March 29, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, 543-544 UMSU University Centre

Make sure to mark your calendars. We cannot wait to see you there!



Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (February 2022)

Tuesday, February 1st, 2022

Happy February! Wow, what a blizzard!

Before you head out to shovel the latest dump of snow, spend a few minutes reading the first insideAESES newsletter of 2022. Inside you’ll find:

  • A message from Laurie Morris, AESES President
  • Call for volunteers for AESES committees
  • Details about your sick leave entitlement
  • Save the dates for the Annual General Meeting and Education Seminars
  • Call for nominations for AESES Board Representatives
  • Diversity and inclusion resources
  • Ongoing union and member grievances

View the February issue and past issues here.

Have a great week, and stay safe!

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (December 2021)

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

Welcome to December! The snow has arrived, and before you realize it, the calendar will have flipped over to 2022.

Grab a tall glass of egg nog and take a few minutes to read the latest edition of insideAESES. Inside this issue, you will find:

  • A message from Laurie Morris, AESES President, including an update about the PSSA
  • More about the definition of “flex” time
  • A report about the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU) convention
  • 50th Anniversary planning
  • Ongoing union and member grievances
  • The 2022 proposed budget

View the December issue and previous ones here.

AESES featured in the Fall 2021 edition of CCU Connections

Wednesday, November 24th, 2021

CCU-Connections-Fall-2021-WebsiteThe Fall 2021 edition of CCU Connections is available to view.  AESES members are featured with an article about the landfall victory over temporary layoffs from the University of Manitoba.

Read more here:

Letter of Support for UMFA – November 2, 2021

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

November 2, 2021

President Orvie Dingwall
University of Manitoba Faculty Association
100-29 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, MB
R3T 2M7

Dear Orvie,

AESES is disturbed that the Manitoba Conservative government continues to interfere in free and fair collective bargaining at the University of Manitoba through the PSSA and continued wage restraint mandates. We agree that this continued intrusion has created a great amount of damage to the university community through demoralization of all staff and interruptions to students’ learning. It is time for the university administration to stand up to the Manitoba government to defend its community.

AESES stands in solidarity with UMFA in their fight to be able to freely bargain a fair contract with the University of Manitoba.

In solidarity,

Laurie R. Morris



AESES Support Letter for UMFA November 2021 [PDF]

AESES-UM Bargaining Update – October 28, 2021

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

AESES has been able to meet with the University over the past few months to resume our bargaining discussions. Due to the protracted process, AESES requested a comprehensive offer and on October 7, the University provided the AESES Bargaining Team with a package to consider on behalf of our membership. Read more.

AESES COVID-19 Assistance Fund to close November 12, 2021

Thursday, October 7th, 2021

At the outset of the pandemic, AESES quickly realized the negative financial impact layoffs and reduced hours were having on our members. This led us to implement our COVID-19 Assistance Fund, which has provided grocery assistance to hundreds of our members and their families over the past 17 months.

Unfortunately, this assistance isn’t available indefinitely and we’re now at a point where the few applicants we have left are applying to the fund based on the work situation of their family members versus their own work circumstances. Given this, AESES has made the difficult decision to wrap-up the COVID-19 Assistance Fund.

However, we wanted to ensure that we provide ample notice to those members who are still regularly applying to the fund. Therefore, we are informing you that the fund will close as of November 12, 2021 at 12:00 pm. We are timing the closure to coincide with the two week application window so that all AESES members will have had an equal opportunity to apply for support since the fund’s inception. Depending when you usually apply to the fund, the last dates to apply will be either November 5, 2021 or November 12, 2021.

We sincerely hope that this assistance fund has made a difference to you and your family.

Will Christie
Chair, AESES COVID-19 Assistance Fund

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (October 2021)

Friday, October 1st, 2021

Welcome to October! The warm temperatures sure do not make it feel like fall, but soon it will be time to pull those flannel shirts and cozy blankets out from storage.

Grab a pumpkin spice beverage or snack and take a few moments to read the latest edition of insideAESES. Inside this issue, you will find:

  • A message from Laurie Morris, AESES President, including an update on the AESES-UM temporary layoff and recall grievances
  • A report about the AESES Town Halls
  • A FAQ to common questions relating to the vaccine mandates and return to work
  • A reminder about the upcoming Fall Education Seminars
  • Ongoing union and member grievances
  • A call for AESES Constitution and Bylaw changes

View the October issue and previous ones here.

AESES-UM Temporary Layoff and Recall Grievances

Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

University of Manitoba logoSeptember 15, 2021

Following nearly sixteen (16) months of working through the grievance process, AESES is pleased to announce the resolution of our 2020 layoff and recall grievances. The final settlement totals approximately $1.5 million dollars and forms the largest grievance settlement in AESES’ history. Also included in this resolution was the restoration of pension, seniority, vacation and benefits premiums recovery.

These grievances challenged the University of Manitoba’s actions in issuing temporary layoffs to over two hundred (200) AESES members at the outset of the pandemic. AESES argued that the University’s approach was contrary to the provisions of the Collective Agreement. This lengthy process included seven (7) full days of mediation with Arbitrator Arne Peltz and included several hundred hours of meetings, phone calls, and thorough examination of the many document exchanges with the University.

Beginning in April 2021, discussions with the University moved forward more positively. From there, a concerted effort was made by both parties to focus on a fair settlement rather than to pursue the formal grievance process, which likely would have required another twelve (12) months or longer to reach a resolution. The growing financial burden on many of our members—including a large number that were still laid off—meant that pursuing a quicker resolution would be more advantageous than going through a protracted grievance process with no certainty in the outcome.

In total, one hundred and ninety-five (195) temporarily laid off AESES members are receiving a financial remedy from the settlement. Twelve (12) additional laid off members were left outside the settlement due to their Sessional employee category, which permitted annual temporary layoffs in accordance with the Collective Agreement. Although not all laid off members could be included or expected to receive the same level of remedy, we believe that more AESES members were captured in this settlement rather than if we had followed through to arbitration.

AESES has worked long and hard to support our members during this process. As of the time of this communication, nearly all members have either been returned to their positions or have been given access to their formal position discontinuance rights as outlined in Article 10 of the Collective Agreement.

Finally, AESES would like to thank the patience of the many impacted members who were in contact with us throughout this difficult process and were only provided limited details due to the confidential nature of the resolution process. We know this was frustrating, but we trust that the outcome has provided some relief from this challenging situation.

In solidarity,
Laurie Morris
AESES President



UM Today: Settlement reached between UM and AESES on behalf of employees laid off in Summer 2020

Did you know

AESES is affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU).

AESES' Charter Meeting was held in December of 1972.

We offer bursaries for AESES dependents at both universities.

Anyone can attend a Board meeting by calling the AESES Business Office prior to the meeting and confirming their attendance.

AESES requires new volunteers for various committees. Please contact the Business Office if you are an AESES member interested in joining one of our committees.