Association of Employees
Supporting Education Services

Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category

New Member of Board of Representatives representing District 36

Friday, February 2nd, 2024

The Electoral and Districting Committee wishes to announce that, since the recent call for nominations, Danielle Saj (UM, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy) has been elected by acclamation to the position of Member of the Board of Representatives representing District 36.

Congratulations, Danielle and welcome to the AESES Board of Representatives!

Coldest Night of the Year Fundraising Walk 2024

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

Donate to Team AESES!

Back by popular demand, AESES will once again participate in the 2024 Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk on February 24. In 2023, nearly $1,200 was raised. Consider donating to Team AESES if you are able or share our donation page on social media with friends and coworkers. All funds raised will go to the St. Boniface Street Links organization.

To donate, visit the Team AESES page:

Members of Team AESES

Call for Nominations to the AESES Board of Representatives – District 36

Wednesday, January 17th, 2024

District 36 | Brodie Centre – Floors 4 to 8
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus

The Electoral and Districting Committee (EDC) is pleased to announce a member has recently expressed a desire to serve on the Board in this district. Therefore, the EDC is holding a by-election in District 36 (Brodie Centre – Floors 4 to 8) for the position of a Member of the Board of Representatives.

If you work in District 36, you should have received an email with this information and the nomination form. The deadline for submitting nominations is Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

If you are a member of District 36 and have not yet received this email, please contact Judy Archibald at the AESES Business Office at for help.

Are you interested in representing a different district on the AESES Board of Representatives?
If so, please visit our Board of Representatives page to learn more.

The Winter 2024 Edition of CCU Connections Is Out!

Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Read all about the importance of organizing and why Unionism is on the rise in North America.

Winter 2024 Edition of CCU Connections

Happy holidays and office closure

Tuesday, December 19th, 2023

Click the image above for sound.

May your holidays be filled with peace and serenity. Best wishes for 2024!

Season’s Greetings from:
, Lisa, Lorne, Colleen, Leanne, Judy, Blair, and Joey

Please note that the AESES Business Office will be closed from December 23 through January 2, 2024. We will reopen on January 3, 2024.


December 6 – The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

In mourning and solidarity, AESES acknowledges December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada.

Today, we remember:
Geneviève Bergeron
Hélène Colgan
Nathalie Croteau
Barbara Daigneault
Anne-Marie Edward
Maud Haviernick
Maryse Laganière
Maryse Leclair
Anne-Marie Lemay
Sonia Pelletier
Michèle Richard
Annie St-Arneault
Annie Turcotte
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz

Extra, Extra: insideAESES Newsletter (December 2023)

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Welcome to December! Yes, that’s correct, December. While it doesn’t look like December with the lack of snow, it does signify the last insideAESES issue of the year. 

Before you continue your holiday shopping/baking/celebrating grab an egg-nog-filled Moose Mug and take a few moments to read about:

  • A message from AESES president Chris McCann
  • Invitation to the AESES Holiday Open House – December 15, 3:00 – 6:00 pm
  • Photos from the Children’s Christmas Party
  • The Rogers Sugar Strike
  • The final 50 for 50 Contest Winners
  • New AESES appointments
  • 2024 AESES Draft Budget
  • Family Care Resources and more

View the December issue and previous ones here.

Happy holidays, and see you at our Open House on December 15th!

Email to AESES-UM Members – UM Pension Plan Change 

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

November 14, 2023

To: All AESES-UM Members

By now, you should have received an email from the University advising of an upcoming change to the UM Pension Plan (1993), if you did not see it in your email Friday, check your Junk Mail folder. The email laid out the reason why this necessary change is required and advised employees that there will be no diminishment of their pension entitlement. AESES has been directly involved in the discussions and wants to assure our members that this is indeed the case.  

In 2019, the University notified AESES and the other union and retiree stakeholders at the UM Staff Benefits Committee that it was necessary to make changes to the “1993 Pension Plan” to ensure it remained compliant with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules, and to ensure that retirement annuities could continue to be funded on a long-term basis. This “1993 Pension Plan” is the one that all current members participate in, even if you were just hired. After several special meetings of the Staff Benefits Committee in 2019 and 2020, AESES partnered with UMFA. Together we retained our own external legal and actuarial professionals to ensure the CRA required changes were necessary and implemented properly. While we recognized to come into compliance with CRA rules that changes were necessary, we wanted to ensure the preservation of our members’ existing pension benefits. The counsel we retained engaged with the University’s pension plan administrators and not only protected our interests but was integral to devising a solution that maintained the flexibility and benefits of our pension with guarantees members would see no diminishment of benefit. 

Following our recent Staff Benefits Committee meeting on Monday, November 6, the committee has now recommended that the proposed changes we helped craft be accepted and they have now been referred to the Board of Governors for approval. The plan amendments are expected to be implemented in 2024. 

The University has provided contact information for the Pension Office should you have any questions about the plan change. However, if you would like to speak with someone from the AESES Business Office regarding this, contact our Labour Relations Officer, Lorne Hilton (, who has been central to this process.  

Thank you, 

Chris McCann
AESES President

AESES Fall Education Seminars – Register today!

Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

Fall Education Seminars

The AESES Education Committee would like to offer members seven seminars to help you warm up to fall!

Registration is now open. Choose to register for one, two or more!

  • Frescolio Fine Oil and Vinegar Tasting Bar | Wed., Oct. 25 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm FULL
  • Winnipeg Art Gallery Tour – Inuit Sanaugangit & Indigenous Stories Through Art | Sat., Nov. 4 | 1:30 – 2:30 pm
  • Learn New Board Games | Tue., Nov. 7 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm
  • About Wills and Power of Attorney | Thu., Nov. 16 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm FULL
  • Taking Action on Climate Change | Tue., Nov. 21 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm  CANCELLED
  • Holiday Card Making | Wed., Nov. 29 | 7:00 – 9:00 pm FULL
  • Baton Twirling Workshop | Wed., Dec. 6 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm CANCELLED

Thank you for your interest. All of our seminar dates have either passed or are full.

AESES Children’s Christmas Party

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023

It’s almost that time of year! The AESES Activities Committee is excited to announce the annual Children’s Christmas party.

Sunday, December 3, 2023
1:00 – 4:00 pm
University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus
MPR, 220-224 UMSU University Centre

The registration deadline was October 30, 2023. No late registrations or walk-ups at the door will be accepted.

Are you looking to volunteer?
The Committee is also looking for volunteers to help during the event. Please visit this volunteer form to advise us that you want to volunteer.

Did you know

AESES is affiliated with the Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU).

AESES' Charter Meeting was held in December of 1972.

We offer bursaries for AESES dependents at both universities.

Anyone can attend a Board meeting by calling the AESES Business Office prior to the meeting and confirming their attendance.

AESES requires new volunteers for various committees. Please contact the Business Office if you are an AESES member interested in joining one of our committees.