Archive for the ‘News Feed’ Category
AESES Celebrates International Women’s Day
Friday, March 8th, 2024
March 8, the world is celebrating International Women’s Day. This day showcases women, girls, and female-identifying persons’ contributions and highlights the progress toward gender equality.
AESES celebrates and supports the contributions of women and female-identifying persons’ in our membership, the workforce and ongoing labour movements. They are standing up for improved working conditions, equal pay, increased gender equality, and making their voices heard! Separately, we are strong, but together we are stronger.
Thanks to You, We Raised $1,800 for St. Boniface Street Links!
Monday, February 26th, 2024
Thank you!
Team AESES, a strong group of seven, took part in the February 24th fundraising walk and thanks to all of the supporters, raised $1,800 for St. Boniface Street Links. This eclipsed our 2023 total of $1,200. The “Coldest Night of the Year” was unseasonably warm, so the 5km walk around St. Boniface was delightful! We’ll see you next year, February 22, 2025!
The Coldest Night of the Year has raised over $13.4 Million Canada-wide!
Upcoming Brown Bag Sessions
Monday, February 26th, 2024
Join us for a general discussion on issues and concerns faced by members, including clarification of collective agreement articles, your rights and the responsibilities of your employer. This is your opportunity to meet the AESES Labour Team and your Board Reps, and to have your union-related questions answered. Feel free to bring your lunch. Registration is required.
Nominations to the AESES Board of Representatives – District 51
Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
District 51
Alumni Affairs; Biology; Chemistry; Classics; Collegiate; Faculty of Education; Faculty Of Science; Global College; Gov’t, Indigenous, Community Affairs; Faculty of Graduate Studies; Human Resources; Health & Safety Office; Campus Sustainability Office; Indigenous Studies; I.U.S.; Rhetoric, Writing & Communications; Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre
The University of Winnipeg
The Electoral and Districting Committee wishes to announce that, during the recent by-election in District 51, no nominations were received for the position of Member of the Board of Representatives representing District 51.
Please note that in the February insideAESES newsletter there was a call for nominations for the new term of the Board starting in May, any members desiring nomination to this position can still submit a nomination by the deadline date of Thursday, February 29, 2024.
View the February issue and previous ones here.
February is here and so is the newest issue of insideAESES!
Friday, February 2nd, 2024
Welcome to February, and Happy Groundhog Day! Oak Hammock Marsh’s Manitoba Merv emerged from his suitcase this morning and saw his shadow, meaning we won’t see an early spring but six more weeks of winter.
While we wait for spring (even though it feels like spring!), take a few minutes and read through the newest issue of insideAESES. Inside, read about:
- A Message from AESES President Chris McCann
- What is Interpersonal Violence Leave?
- Upcoming Brown Bag Sessions and New Members’ Meetings
- The Coldest Night Fundraising Walk
- The AESES-UM Canada Life Survey Results
- Nominations for AESES Board of Representatives
- The Upcoming AGM
- A Call for Volunteers – Committees
New Member of Board of Representatives representing District 36
Friday, February 2nd, 2024
The Electoral and Districting Committee wishes to announce that, since the recent call for nominations, Danielle Saj (UM, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy) has been elected by acclamation to the position of Member of the Board of Representatives representing District 36.
Congratulations, Danielle and welcome to the AESES Board of Representatives!
Call for Nominations to the AESES Board of Representatives – District 36
Wednesday, January 17th, 2024
District 36 | Brodie Centre – Floors 4 to 8
University of Manitoba, Bannatyne Campus
The Electoral and Districting Committee (EDC) is pleased to announce a member has recently expressed a desire to serve on the Board in this district. Therefore, the EDC is holding a by-election in District 36 (Brodie Centre – Floors 4 to 8) for the position of a Member of the Board of Representatives.
If you work in District 36, you should have received an email with this information and the nomination form. The deadline for submitting nominations is Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
If you are a member of District 36 and have not yet received this email, please contact Judy Archibald at the AESES Business Office at for help.
The Winter 2024 Edition of CCU Connections Is Out!
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
Read all about the importance of organizing and why Unionism is on the rise in North America.
AESES Children’s Winter Holiday Extravaganza
Sunday, December 10th, 2023
On Sunday, December 1, over 250 children and their families attended the Children’s Winter Holiday Extravaganza to enjoy the sights and sounds of the holidays at UMSU University Centre on the UM Fort Garry Campus.
Everyone enjoyed a fun afternoon of food, gifts, temporary tattoos, cookie painting, clowns, and main stage entertainment by Brian Glow, International Illusionist and Comedy Magician. Santa and Mrs. Claus also stopped for a visit and photos.
Thank you to the AESES Activities Committee and all the dedicated volunteers who made the event possible again this year! Also, thanks to Blair Zelinsky and Colleen Thompson for the use of their photos.
Can You Tell Me? Can Work Hours Be Modified?
Sunday, December 10th, 2023
The concept of a 4-day workweek or having every second Monday off is an appealing idea for many. From time to time, an AESES employee may need or want to adjust their hours of work temporarily or permanently. There is language in the AESES Collective Agreements that allows members to request a modified work schedule.
Members at both UM and UW can request a modified work schedule. It is important to note that while the language in both the AESES-UM and AESES-UW Collective Agreements allows employees to make such a request, approval is not guaranteed. The employer must consider the feasibility of the request by examining particulars such as the type of work the employee does, the Department’s hours of operation, staffing levels and current workloads. If the request is approved on a temporary or permanent basis, it is also important to note that the employer can still amend or cancel the arrangement if they deem it necessary.
As covered in Article 11.2 of the AESES-UW Collective Agreement, UW members can submit a request for a modified work week in writing to their supervisor. When making the request, you should be aware that a modified work week may include but is not limited to, flextime, banked time, or a compressed work week. The employer will consider the request and provide a written response in a reasonable period. If approval is granted by the Employer for a modified work week, the terms and conditions of the modified work week are confirmed in a Letter of Understanding (LOU).
The process is similar for UM members, as outlined in Articles 11.1 and 12.8 of the AESES-UM Collective Agreement. When a recurring exchange of work for time off exceeds one pay period, it is considered a modified work schedule. UM members can submit a request for a modified work schedule to their supervisor. If granted after due consideration by the employer, the terms and conditions of the modified work schedule shall be confirmed by a LOU signed by the Department, Human Resources, the employee(s), and the Association.
If you need assistance with a modified work schedule request, contact us at
For info on short-term or one-time schedule change requests, referred to as the Banking of Regular Time, see the Can You Tell Me article in the August 2024 insideAESES newsletter.